
Sapphire FUE hair transplant

Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant: Detailed Overview

Nowadays, hair loss is a common problem faced by many people and many of them turn to hair transplant methods to cope with this problem. In this article, we will look at one of the latest innovations in hair transplantation – the sapphire FUE hair transplant method. You will learn what Sapphire FUE is, how it works, and why this method is attractive to those who want to combat hair loss.

What is a Sapphire FUE hair transplant?

Sapphire FUE hair transplant is a hair restoration method used to address hair loss. It has similarities to the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) method, but the unique feature of sapphire FUE is the use of sapphire instruments to place the hair follicles. This unique feature sets Sapphire FUE apart from other hair transplant methods.

Benefits of Sapphire FUE

Sapphire FUE hair transplantation has many benefits, and these benefits encourage many patients to choose this method. Here are some of the benefits of sapphire FUE:

More natural result: Thanks to the sapphire tips, the hair follicles are set in a more natural way and the results look more natural.

Quicker recovery: Less damage to the skin by the sapphire material speeds up the recovery process and reduces patient discomfort.

Dense transplantation: Thanks to sapphire instruments, more hair follicles can be transplanted, which means thicker and more voluminous hair.

Minimal Scars: Sharp and smooth sapphire tips help reduce the amount of visible scars.

Sapphire FUE hair transplant process

A Sapphire FUE hair transplant requires careful planning and includes the following steps:

Examination and planning: Hair loss status is assessed, areas for transplantation are identified and a treatment plan is developed.

Local Anesthesia: The patient is given local anesthesia before surgery to minimize pain during the procedure.

Hair follicle extraction: Using sapphire instruments, the hair follicles are extracted one at a time.

Creating channels: The sapphire tips are used to create channels in the areas to be transplanted.

Hair follicle transplantation:The extracted hair follicles are carefully placed into the created channels.

Recovery Process: The recovery process begins, which allows most patients to return to their daily lives after a few days.

Sapphire FUE hair transplantation stands out for its ability to create natural-looking and long-lasting results. The loss of transplanted hair after surgery is a normal process, and new hair usually begins to grow in 3-6 months. It can take up to a year to achieve the best results. This method can be an important option for those who want to deal with hair loss.

Between 3,000 and 7,000 hair follicles can be transplanted in a single session. However, this amount may vary depending on the patient’s needs, the condition of the donor area, and the specialist’s recommendations.

The cost of Safir FUE can vary depending on the number of hair follicles to be transplanted, the location of the clinic, the qualifications of the doctor and the quality of the equipment used in the clinic.

Light exercise can usually be started after a week, and intense exercise after 3-4 weeks.

For the first few days, it is recommended to lie on your back with your head elevated. This can reduce the formation of edema.

Usually 2-3 days after the procedure, you can shower as recommended by your doctor.

Because hair follicles transplanted with Sapphire FUE are usually taken from an area that is not prone to hair loss, with proper care, you can get lasting results.

Turkish hair transplant clinic in St. Petersburg and Makhachkala

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